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Related article: Rubert KF and Pedersen JA. "Kinetics of oxytetracycline reaction with a hydrous Where Can I Buy Diflucan manganese oxide." Environmental Science & Technology 2006, 40(23):7216-7221; doi:10.1021/es060357o. Rubert KF and Pedersen JA. "Kinetics of Oxytetracycline Reaction with a Hydrous Manganese Oxide." Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44(16):6522; doi:10.1021/es1023493. Rubies A, Cabrera A, and Centrich F. "Determination of synthetic hormones in animal urine by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry." Journal of AOAC International 2007, 90(2):626-632. Rubies A, Vaquerizo R, Centrich F, Compano R, Granados M, and Prat MD. "Validation of 150 Mg Diflucan a method for the analysis of quinolones residues in bovine muscle by liquid chromatography with electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry detection." Talanta 2007, 72(1):269-276; doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2006.10.030. Rubin H "Drug Manufacturers Diflucan Order Directory." 2009; http://www.therubins.com/resource/drugdirect.htm. Rubinfeld SA and Luthy RG. "Nitromusk compounds in San Francisco Bay sediments." Chemosphere 2008, 73(6):873-879; doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.07.042. Rubinstein L. "Operating Unwanted Medication Collections - A Legal & Safe Approach." NERC - Northeast Recycling Council Inc, Brattleboro, VT, 2006, 65 pp; available: http://www.nerc.org/documents/operating_unwanted_medication_collections_final_2006.pdf. Rubinstein L. "Holding an Unwanted Medication Collection as Part of a Household Hazardous Waste Event - A Legal & Safe Approach." NERC - Northeast Recylcing Council, Inc., Brattleboro, VT, September, 2006, 63 pp; available: http://www.nerc.org/documents/holding_unwanted_medications_collection_final_2006.pdf. Rubinstein L. "Holding an Unwanted Medication Collection for Community Pharmacies: A Quick Guide." NERC - Northeast Recycling Council, Inc., Brattleboro, VT, November, 2008, 17 pp; available: http://www.nerc.org/documents/unwanted_medication_collection_quick_guide_11_08.pdf. Rubinstein L. "Best Management Practices for Holding Unwanted Medication Collections: A Legal & Safe Approach for Community Pharmacies." NERC - Northeast Recycling Online Diflucan Council, Inc., Brattleboro, VT, November, 2008, 74 pp; available: http://www.nerc.org/documents/unwanted_medication_collection_bmp_11_08.pdf. Rubinstein L and NERC. "Unwanted medication collection: Why Get Diflucan & how." Powerpoint Presentation, Northeast Recycling Council, Inc, 4 Diflucan 150mg May 2005; http://www.nerc.org/documents/unwanted_medications_may_05.pdf. Rubio S and P